Though some find this stomach-churning doc sadly hysterical, I found it profoundly disturbing; a perfect example of the entitlement culture that has allowed these jobless miscreants enough money to afford new vehicles and money for all the drugs they can consume.
Apparently, no one in the White family has a job (except for Poney, who fled to Minnesota, no doubt saving his life), but they still have plenty of cash for the necessities: blow, booze, and babies (sickening: mother Kirk snorting coke in the hospital with her newborn baby in the crib next to her).
I can't help but feel that if we as a society were less generous with benefits (clan doyenne Mamie brags that she's "disabled" though it's not clear how), these losers would have to do what the rest of us do: get a job and reserve their partying for the weekend.
If these people are outlaws, as they claim, then we're the stagecoach that handed over the strong box without a fight.
No, it's not funny at all, it's just plain sad that the Boone county officials who shake their heads in dismay at these lowlives cannot figure out a way to bust the whole lot of them and give them a chance at rehab, or at least split them up before they completely ruin the children of the next generation, who are (for now) educable witnesses to every form of human misbehavior imaginable.
By the way, the Grandma Bertie Mae White was seen in one scene wearing a Kerry/Edwards tee shirt.
What a surprise.
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