But that's Hollywood: torn between the basic economics of filmmaking (you need to coax the great unwashed to voluntarily pay to watch your movie) and your own "artistic" mores (you live in an echo chamber populated with people exactly like yourself: uneducated, overpaid, frightfully inexperienced men-children who, like all adolescents, are still angry at their parents (read: society's grown-ups) for making them eat their broccoli.) I don't fear a nuclear Iran as much as I do a teenager who's just been denied the car who has his finger on the button.
So why make a movie about Margaret Thatcher at all? The facts (those damned, rascally things) all line up behind her: she turned the British economy around, reformed its health care system (lamentably reversed later), faced down overreaching unions, protected British citizens and property by going to war in the Falklands, and, along with a wise pope and a "cowboy" American president, tossed the Soviet Union on the "ash-heap of history."
Now how are you gonna hammer an authority monger (she looks like your mean 9th grade English teacher, doesn't she?) who's been proven right time after time?
You use a theatrical flashback device to put it all in "perspective." Instead of just simply following her through her storied (and flat-out fascinating) eleven years at No. 10 Downing Street, why not view everything she ever did through the distorted lens of largely invented mental decline?
But don't stop there! Make her loving, uber-supportive husband, who had the misfortune to predecease her, into a sad buffoon who comes back from the dead to mock her and to gainsay the choices she made in life that he, when he was alive, fully supported, like, oh say, running for Parliament?
That's it! Now you've got the hang of it! What else can you do to diminish the second greatest Prime Minister of the 20th century?
I've got it! While you're spending precious minutes focusing on a fictional, distorted present, artfully gloss over the past: misplace a garbage strike by five years (hey, so what if Columbus sailed in 1492, who cares?), show her constantly at battle with her own party members (the same ones who voted their support for her year after year as PM), and, best of all, reduce her signal accomplishment to a long shot of her dancing with Ronald Reagan and a brief newsreel of the Berlin Wall toppling.
Margaret Thatcher was a prime mover in the freeing of almost 300 million people, not counting Britain.
That's 300,000,000, kids. If you piled 300,000,000 pennies one atop the other . . .
But let's just ignore that, shall we?
Here, I must give the obligatory hat tip to Meryl Streep's marvelous mimicry of Mrs. Thatcher. She is amazing, but would have been even more amazing had she had a script that allowed her to play the woman in her prime for more than a third of the movie. Not allowing Streep to stretch her considerable talents for a full 120 minutes as the Iron Lady she indisputably was and instead constricting her to heavy makeup and doddering about in her dreary flat arguing with her dead husband is simply shameful, not only to Margaret, but to Meryl.
But a ray of sunshine: At least I know now how they'll treat Ronald Reagan in his inevitable biopic. After all, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease in his latter years. I can see it now: there will be a scene in which Reagan, after joking at a press conference (joking!) that "the bombing of the Soviet Union will begin in five minutes," will sit in the darkened Situation Room, surrounded by his generals, and his hand will tremble (early onset, you know) as he reaches out for a Dr. Strangelove nuke box with a huge, glowing red button on top, cackling evilly, his eyes wild with stupidity and hatred, ready to destroy the entire world, except . . .
. . . some Leftie general will prevent him and save the day. Call Woodstein, stat!
Count on it.
(And they'll wonder why we won't go see the movie.)